Jordan Liberty Masterclass

MARCH 10, 2024
For the first time in Italy, directly from Los Angeles, make-up artist Jordan Liberty.
Jordan Liberty is one of the most sought after makeup teachers in the industry today, having completed over 57 events and masterclasses in 23 countries across 5 continents.
In addition to make-up, Jordan also shows how to take professional photos of your work by explaining the relationship between make-up and light.
His Master is aimed not only at professional make-up artists but also at those still training and at anyone who loves make-up.
Discover Jordan's secrets for a flawless look.
Morning Demonstration - Light/Medium Skin Tones
Experience Jordan's foundational techniques: long-wearing makeup that can withstand heat and humidity; the “real-life retouch” to perfect skin without looking cakey; color layering to achieve multidimensional results.
Jordan will then photograph live on stage, the look executed will examine the relationship between makeup and light, sharing unretouched images of the models to provide immediate insights into how each technique translates on camera.
The class will end with a makeup transformation, with layering, to elevate the look to Jordan's best-known editorial glam style.
Afternoon demonstration - Dark skin tones
By revisiting and adapting foundations for dark skin tones Jordan will move more quickly through the basics to create editorial campaign-level makeup, exploring more specific techniques that celebrate color theory, building a cohesive color story, and experimenting with texture. After the photo demonstration, you will take a final look and conclude the course by answering the remaining questions. During the masterclass, questions about the beauty business on the global stage, branding and marketing, tips and tricks and personal opinions are encouraged.
This masterclass is professional, yet suitable for all beauty lovers at any experience level.
Delivery of diplomas (to Premium participants) and greetings

Location : Rome (exact location will be communicated 1 month in advance)

Date: March 10, 2024

Hours: 9.30 am / 7.00 pm

Two frequency possibilities:


1 day with two demonstrations (4 total looks)

Digital certificate

Mini Goodie Bag


1 day with two demonstrations (4 total looks)

1 day with practice under his supervision + shooting of your work

1 digital photo of your work in another resolution

Assistance at Jordan's outdoor shooting

Paper certificate signed by Jordan

Goodie Bag




 For the first time in Italy, directly from Los Angeles, make-up artist Jordan Liberty.

Jordan Liberty is one of the most sought-after makeup teachers in the industry today, having completed over 59 events and masterclasses in 25 countries across 5 continents.

In addition to make-up, Jordan also demonstrates how to take professional photos of your work by explaining the relationship between make-up and light.

Its master's is aimed at aspiring and experienced professionals but anyone who loves make-up is welcome to sign up.

Discover Jordan's secrets for a flawless look.




Morning Demonstration - Light/Medium Skin Tones

Experience Jordan's fundamental techniques, including long-wear makeup that can withstand heat and humidity, “real-life retouching” to perfect the skin without looking cakey, and layering color to achieve multidimensional results. Photographed live on stage, he will examine the relationship between makeup and light, sharing the unretouched model images to deliver immediate insights into how each technique translates on camera. The class will finish with a makeup transition to elevate the look to Jordan's more well-known editorial glam style.


Afternoon Demonstration - Dark/Deep Skin Tones

Revisiting and adapting the fundamentals for dark and deep skin tones, Jordan will move more quickly through the basics to create a campaign-level makeup look, exploring more specific techniques that celebrate color theory, building a cohesive color story, and experimenting with texture. Building into a final look after the photography demonstration, he will finish the course by answering remaining questions. Throughout the masterclass, questions are encouraged - about the business of beauty on the global stage, branding and marketing, tips and tricks, and personal opinions.

This masterclass is professional, but suited for all beauty lovers at any level of experience.

Delivery of diplomas (to Premium participants) and greetings



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