I Giorno
Teoria dei colori avanzata
Utilizzo degli ombretti in crema
Dimostrazione Graphic Colour Make-up e come portare il vostro Make-up ad un livello superiore
Esecuzione pratica dei partecipanti sotto la diretta supervisione di Iryna Soroka
II Giorno
Skin Care per le spose
Utilizzo dei prodotti resistenti/waterproof per un trucco che dura a lungo
Dimostrazione Bridal Glam Make-up e tendenze trucco sposa
Esercitazione pratica dei partecipanti sotto la diretta supervisione di Iryna Soroka
Tutti i partecipanti alla parte pratica devono portare il proprio Kit Make-up ed una ‘modella’ sulla quale realizzare il make-up.
Iryna Soroka is an International MakeUp Artist born in Ukraine, then moved to Poland.
With 8 years of experience in the MakeUp sector, she works with private clients and holds Masterclasses in Poland and around Europe.
Its distinctive features are the "juicy" MakeUp and the unusual color combinations. Her strong passion for art led her to delve into color theory and the principles of color in make-up. Iryna is an expert in creating bridal makeup and creative MakeUp for photo shoots.
First day
Theoretical demonstration of two Looks
Advanced color theory
First look Graphic Color Makeup and how to take your Makeup to the next level
Second look Bridal Glam Makeup and bridal makeup trends
Using cream eyeshadows
Second Day
Practical execution of the participants under the direct supervision of Iryna Soroka
Participants will have to bring their own make-up kit and model for the practical part